About Me

Hello, my name is Mustafa

I am an aspiring fullstack application developer

Southern Connecticut State University 2025 - BS Computer Science, Minor in Mathematics

I recognize the power us developers have to shape the land around us

"This principle, which concerns the quality of life of all people, affirms an obligation of computing professionals,
both individually and collectively, to use their skills for the benefit of society, its members, and the environment surrounding them."

"People—including users, customers, colleagues, and others affected directly or indirectly—should always be the central concern in computing"

- ACM Code of Ethics

Languages I enjoy

  • Python
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • I know a little Go

Favorite Libraries

  • Django
  • ReactJS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Echo
  • NextJS
Photo of Mustafa Bolat posing in front of an old European marble fountain

If you don't see my picture, try going full screen.


Calypso Blue Pool & Spa

An eCommerce website built for a client using MedusaJS, Supabase PostgreSQL, and Next.js with TailwindCSS. Hosted on Heroku and Vercel.

MedusaJS Supabase PostgreSQL Next.js Heroku Vercel Redis
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A Go-based website using Echo framework to host weekly coding problems for the SCSU Computer Science Club. Uses a cloud database from Turso and is hosted on Digital Ocean. Beautifully sleek and minimalist design.

Go Echo Tailwind Turso
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Community IT Project

A digital literacy resource website using Django Web Framework and SQLite. My first Website! Has CRUD functionality with local SQLite database

Django SQLite W3.CSS
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A tutoring platform using Django REST Framework for backend API and React.js with MaterialUI for the frontend. Uses Django Knox authenticaiton and Client-side routing.

Django REST React Axios React Router
Open Source